It has been 10 months since I read the barefoot investor. This Australian book describes a step-by-step procedure to take control of your personal finance. Following each of these steps had a positive impact on my life.

Since then, I read a lot of books about personal finance and investment. Rich Dad books, Warren Buffet's favorite books, the little book of common sense investing, for citing some impactful ones.

Now I am learning to focus on developing my assets - the items that generate money. I needed a tracker to visualize my assets. I did not want to use someone else app, been a little paranoid about security. And I did not want to use a spreadsheet on mobile. So as any developer would do, I started working on my own asset tracker app.

My current prototype can be found at

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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor, the references on these pages are just what I think is interesting to read when starting learning. It comes from my little knowledge that I have been acquiring for not even a year. Moreover, if I consider most of the Barefoot Investor content to be sound, I do not have the same opinion on some content of the Rich Dad books. Finally, my current state about the market would be still quite risk-averse. My current plan is to increase my financial knowledge for the next two years.